Far West Capital

Phone Addiction

Phone addiction. It exists. It’s not just a trend and we are all guilty. Inspired by a series of photographs showing the impact of devices in every day lives, we decided to look at what it means, what it looks like and the consequences.

Addiction is defined by Merriam-Webster as a strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something. We all agree the “strong need” is completely true. Just think back to the last time you weren’t able to connect to WiFi at the office or that feeling you get when your phone is about to die. And while we hesitated at the “harmful” part of the definition, it’s also true. In the most obvious cases, it’s texting and driving. Less obvious and more widespread though, is the personal impact. In a desire to stay connected and interact real-time, we are losing touch with the relationships and opportunities sometimes right in front of us.

In Eric Pickersgill’s photographs, it really hits home. By taking the device out of the picture, literally, he captures an image of empty hands cradling or reaching for the “ghost” of a phone. This eerie feeling is intensified by the fact these are all situations that mirror our lives. But suddenly, with the phones cut out, it becomes clear just how isolated we are in those moments.

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