Far West Capital

5 Journaling Tips To Unleash Your Potential

Photo via Colin Davis https://www.flickr.com/photos/87506973@N00/3891013722

Journaling is a daily task that I find much enjoyment and comfort in doing. It is a time of internal reflection where you are able to learn and grow. For me, it’s a time when I set goals, celebrate wins and evaluate my mistakes. It’s a great feeling to look back in your journal and see what trials you’ve been through and how you overcame them. When I journal, I try to focus on the five questions below. It’s totally up to you how you spend your time journaling and what questions you focus on answering, but I thought I’d provide you with a few recommendations that have benefitted my life greatly.

  1. Attitude of Gratitude – What are you grateful for each day?
  2. Goal Setting – What are your ambitions for the week/month?
  3. Inspiring Insights – What meaningful lessons did you learn today?
  4. Celebrate Wins – What accomplishments have you achieved?
  5. Enhance Positivity – How have you grown lately?

Answering these five questions on a regular basis is a great way to unleash your potential. Whether you are focusing on your personal life, work life or both, keeping track of your life on paper will have you more focused on your goals and excited to conquer what lies ahead.

Do you journal? What are some questions you like to focus on? Leave us a comment below.

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