Far West Capital

Helping Employees Own Their Experience

Photo via joaosemmedo on Flickr

When you work within a small business, there’s a good chance that you’re constantly moving at a fast pace. So, when things become hectic it’s important for you to slow down, get comfortable trusting your team and delegate certain tasks so that you can keep moving forward and growing your business.

It’s important to note that delegating ownership of tasks is different than simply delegating the tasks themselves. When ownership of a process or project is passed off, rather than a one-off job, there is a sense of responsibility, empowerment and authority instilled in your employees that might not otherwise be there.  

Now, all of this being said, we know that when running your own business, letting go and allowing yourself to delegate authority and ownership over projects doesn’t come easy.

Here are a few tips as you put this into practice:

Ask Questions. Before you offer a new project or process to an employee, take some time to ask questions to ensure he or she has the proper resources and time available to complete the new task. Being up to date on what your employees have on their plates will make the delegation process run much smoother.

Be Clear. In order to avoid errors and duplication of efforts, there should be no confusion on who is in charge of which processes. Be sure to articulate exact deadlines and responsibilities before passing off ownership.

Hold Daily/Weekly Meetings. Depending on the size of your company, holding daily or weekly meetings is a great for receiving project updates, answering questions and providing clarity as needed. You can also utilize this time to praise employees on their hard work. Employee motivation is key – focus on the results!

Provide Support. Once you’ve delegated roles and responsibilities, step back. Be available for questions and communication, but don’t get into the habit of micromanaging. Establish a sense of trust with your employees so that they understand that you’ve seen and accepted their management skills.

We cannot reiterate enough that delegation is a must. The challenge is delegating the right things to the right people at the right time. At Far West Capital, we believe that every employee deserves responsibility and the freedom to be a leader.

How do you delegate ownership to your employees?

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