Far West Capital

The Secret To Happiness

Photo via syauqee mohamad https://www.flickr.com/photos/7901820@N07/5306653911

Many Americans strive to achieve happiness — but how? According to social scientist, Arthur Brooks, our happiness is attributed to three things: genetics, one-time events (job promotions, college acceptances, etc.) and personal values.


However, not all of these attributes are long-lasting or manageable. Studies have shown that one-time achievements only provide temporary satisfaction, and with little control over our genetics, what is the secret to obtaining long-term happiness?

As emphasized by Brooks, the answer lies in our values. True happiness is found through certain aspects of our lives, such as faith, family, community and work. Now, seeing “work” included in this list may come as a surprise to some of you. After all, can’t work become a detriment to happiness? Not quite. Our jobs actually provide us with a unique opportunity to create value in our lives and the lives of others – a chance to achieve success in the field of our choice. This long-lasting “joy of achievement” (combined with our other personal values) is the true secret to happiness.

Similar to Arthur Brooks, I am a firm believer that defining your core values is absolutely critical to the happiness of a company. These values will not only contribute to the success of your business, but will also define your work culture. At Far West Capital, we strive to make our employees as happy as possible during their time at work so that we can set them up for success both in and out of the workplace. By consistently referring back to our core values, we are able to focus on the needs of both our employees and our clients, creating an enjoyable environment for all.

So, what do you have to lose? Define your values and begin unleashing your potential today.

For more inspiration, check out Arthur Brooks’ presentation on how to achieve the secret to happiness.

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