Attitude of Gratitude

With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s important to set aside some time to reflect, admire and give thanks. And while we all love eating amazing food and watching our football teams reign victorious, we think it’s important to be thankful every single day and not just one day out of the year.

From strengthening relationships to increasing your problem solving skills, here are top 5 reasons for why we should show thanks a little more often:

  1. Relationships – When was the last time you told someone you were thankful for them? It’s probably been a little longer than you anticipated, huh? Imagine how much stronger your relationships would be if we took the time to remind people just how much they mean to us.
  2. Satisfaction – Doing kind things for others leaves you with a special sense of accomplishment that can’t be rivaled. That sensation of walking on air will stay with you all day long.
  3. Motivation – You motivate yourself, as well as others, when you acknowledge someone for their hard work. Recognizing that they’ve done a good job is a great way to ensure they’ll continue to do a great job.
  4. Influence – There tends to be a “pay it forward” chain of events when you show gratitude to someone. Not only are your chances much higher of receiving gratitude in return, but chances are that they’ll share that thankfulness with someone else along the way too.
  5. Strength – Being thankful for the less-than-wonderful challenges that have been thrown your way is a huge step forward. Those obstacles have made you who you are today and you should be thankful that you’ve been given the opportunity to grow as an individual. #SilverLining

Problem Solving – Showing gratitude shifts your mind from focusing on a problem and helps you navigate toward a solution. Being grateful makes you focus on the positive, which skips the self-pity/complaining step in overcoming obstacles.

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