Employee Spotlight: Nicole Martin

meToday, we want to shine the employee spotlight on Nicole Martin. Nicole has been an essential part of our team for more than seven years and has been a huge part of our company growth. In addition to being great at her job, she has been fantastic wife for 23 years and a loving mother to four wonderful children. Keep on rocking, Nicole!

What is your current role/title at Far West Capital?
I supervise the accounting for our office, monitor the account debtor credit limits and collections, take care of any IT issues that may come up. I do a little bit of everything really.

What does your day typically look like?
Generally, it is pretty hectic. I am grateful for it though, I would rather have too much work than too little.

How long have you worked at Far West Capital?
Since June of 2008.

What was your first job?
I worked at my dad’s customs brokerage all through high school.

What do you like to do for fun?
Anything outdoors. We like to camp and go hiking. We entertain a lot at home and enjoy having company over.

What’s your favorite restaurant in Austin?
I don’t know about Austin, but for El Paso it would have to be either Julio’s or Kiki’s.

What’s your favorite vacation spot?
Ruidoso or Cloudcroft, NM. It is less than a 3-hour drive from El Paso. Perfect for a quick weekend getaway.

What do you enjoy most about working at Far West Capital?
My team. I work with an amazing group of ladies that all put 110% into their job. We all help and support each other any way we can.

How are you set up for success at Far West Capital?
It is hard not to be here at FWC. No matter where you start, there is a great opportunity for you to advance in your career.

What is your favorite Far West Capital memory?
When we expanded into the back office of our building. We had grown so much, it was a great sense of accomplishment. We started in an office of three and now we are eleven.

What is your biggest accomplishment personally and/or professionally?
Definitely my family. My husband and I are celebrating our 23rd anniversary this year. We have raised 4 children that we are very proud of.

What does it mean to you to “unleash your potential?”
To do everything I do to the best of my ability.

The Family

Stay tuned for more Employee Spotlights to learn more about our awesome team.

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