How Freight Factoring Helped a Father Build a Business — and His Legacy

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From tires to trucking

Luis Núñez didn’t intend to get into the trucking business. Before he founded Pam Transport in 2007, he owned a tire shop. Then a good friend told him about the trucking business, and offered to partner with him.

“We got ourselves a little truck, and we started dispatching,” Luis says.

So, just like that, Luis was co-founder of a new business. He and his partner threw themselves into the work, even drafting his partner’s son to help out dispatching. They were both working two jobs, but they made it work.

“At the time, we were okay,” Luis says. “Like everybody, we had some good times and some bad times, but we were generally fine.”

Then Luis’ partner passed away.

Losing a friend was hard enough, but now Luis realized that since the business was in his partner’s name, he would have to start his new business again.

He had clients, and he had some resources, but starting from scratch proved expensive. He couldn’t pay more staff, and new responsibilities were on his shoulders: He had to put his new business on hold while still managing his tire shop.

He needed help. He had clients, but clients were slow to pay, and money was tight.

Factoring gives Luis peace of mind — and friendly support

One day, he was venting about all these problems to a friend in the trucking business, who recommended a solution: Far West Capital.

From then on, Luis has been our client. For him, it was a weight off his shoulders. He says:

If you don’t use a service like Far West Capital’s freight factoring, it’s very difficult to keep on working, since sometimes clients pay you 30, 60, or 90 days later and you need to have cash flow to keep on working,

While he knew he needed our financial help, Luis didn’t expect much more. For our staff, though, it’s never just about the money.

“Whenever Luis comes to office, we take our time to talk about everything, from business to life,” says Brenda Piñon, who handles Luis’ account. “I personally admire Luis because of the discipline he has, and how close he is to his family.”

In fact, Luis helped his son start his own business (he’s now a Far West Capital client as well!) and Luis’ daughter is Pam Transport Corp’s main dispatcher.

For Brenda, who loves getting to know her clients, Luis is an inspiration — and a friend. “We talk about everything: About his new car, his family, his childhood even. He’s such a lovely person.” We are really happy to see him succeed and have so much trust in us.

“The knowledge Brenda and the staff have, the way they talk to you and how they treat you, that’s what’s really important,” Luis says. “As Latinos, it’s easy for me to talk with them. But also, they are truly nice people. In all the years I’ve been a customer, they’ve provided excellent service, always with the same great attitude.”

You know, if someone gives you good energy, you feel that.

Nine years later, Luis is grateful, and still a bit surprised at his own success.

“Today, we employ more than 40 people, and thank God, we’re still growing. We had an idea that all this was possible, but we never thought we’d make it so big.”

We’re not surprised. For nine years, we’ve seen how hard Luis works. There isn’t much that could stand in his way.

Cole Harmonson is the CEO of Far West Capital, a company that funds the goals of high-growth entrepreneurs. Know a great company in need of capital to unleash their potential? Send them here and we’ll give them a call.

Showing 2 comments
  • Enrique Gonzalez

    Good for Mr.Nuñez I wish him the best yet to come I know him personally.

  • Claudia Nunez

    Thank You Far West Capital for all your love and support
    Pam Transport Corp.

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