Looking Back & Giving Back

With 2014 around the corner, we can’t help but reflect on this past year. Being an entrepreneur means taking risks and venturing into unknown territory without knowing what’s in store for the future. At Far West Capital, we have been fortunate enough to work alongside some of the most amazing entrepreneurs. We’ve helped them to unleash their full potential in order for their businesses to grow.

The holiday season is not only a time for reflecting on the past year, but it’s also a great time for giving back. In our recent posts, The Importance of Team Giving and Entrepreneurial Spotlight: The Power of Giving Back, we shared the value of unleashing your “give back” potential. As we reflect on our blessings, it’s important to consider how we can share them with others. Remember – giving back isn’t just limited to providing monetary funds. There are so many other ways you can give back to your community:

Share your talents and skills
Skills-based volunteering is a very popular way to give back. Oftentimes, nonprofits have many volunteers who can assist with the mission of the organization. But what about the day-to-day tasks? Use your financial or entrepreneurial skills to help with the actual business side of the organization. Working with a nonprofit that needs help in your area of work is a great way for you to share your talents and showcase them to others. 

Share your passion and voice
We are all passionate about certain causes, so why not share them with others? If you firmly believe in the work of a nonprofit, give back to them by speaking on their behalf. You can provide support for the organization and help spread their message to others. You can also serve on a nonprofit’s board. As we mentioned in our post, The Importance of Nonprofit Board Membership, there are over 7,000 seats on nonprofit boards that need to be filled. Take a look and see if your favorite nonprofit or charity is searching for board members. 

Share your belongings
One of the most common methods of giving back is by rallying donations for certain groups. Due to lack of funding, many nonprofits don’t have some of the necessary tools that they need to function effectively. That’s where your business can come in. Hold a charity/donation drive within your business – this will be especially beneficial around the holiday season.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” At Far West Capital, we encourage our employees to share their fortunes by unleashing their giving potential. Remember, giving back isn’t solely limited to the holiday season. We should give back everyday.

How is your company planning on giving back this holiday season?

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