Mid-Year Motivation to Achieve Your Resolutions

As the month of April comes to a close, many of you may have started thinking about taking a few days off for the summer. And while we’re all about taking some time to unplug, it’s important to schedule in and make time for mid-year evaluations of your company. As the year flies by, it’s important not to lose sight of the company goals you set for yourself and your team almost six months ago. So, let’s dig out those New Year’s resolutions and get some mid-year motivation going.

We started the year off by discussing the importance of goal setting in the new year and how evaluating and reflecting on the previous year is key for developing and achieving new company goals. By utilizing our S.M.A.R.T. approach, the goals you set for 2014 should have been Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. So, now is the time to measure the progress of these goals.

If you feel like you’re a little off track, don’t worry. You still have time. Use the next month to rethink the goals that you set in January, and be honest with yourself – did your goals meet the S.M.A.R.T. requirements? If not, they might require a little bit of adjusting. Remember that the year is not over yet and that conducting a mid-year evaluation will help you to strategize and refocus your goals.

Keep in mind that company setbacks are bound to happen. Even if you feel as if your goals were attainable and realistic, you may have encountered issues that you simply didn’t have the power to control, such as a financial downturn or an unexpected new hire opportunity. These obstacles take time and energy to deal with, and that’s okay. Even if they put you a few steps behind where you wanted to be, it’s not too late for your goals to be achieved. With the right mid-year planning, by the time you’re ready to hang your 2015 calendar, you’ll be right on target.

For those of you who have already reached some of your goals – take a moment to congratulate yourself and your rockstar team for making it happen. Give kudos, and use those successes to build up confidence and morale within your team.

As entrepreneurs, it’s extremely important that we keep ourselves on track. With great vision comes great distraction. We have to keep our eye on the ball in order to reach the results we desire. Take advantage of the next few months, before the heat of the summer approaches – you’re guaranteed to unleash your potential.

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