Entrepreneurial Heroes: Females

Andrea Jung, President and CEO of Grameen America, and Ambassador Melanne Verveer recently appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to discuss the importance of microloans in regard to the economic health of impoverished women. A huge focus of the conversation was centered on the opportunities that microloans create for women, which in turn creates a ripple effect on their families and communities.

This type of financial empowerment is exactly why we’ve chosen to partner with Grameen America, a microfinance organization that offers affordable credit, training and support to help women build small businesses and create better lives for their families. Through our current Far Reaching program, we hope to further our mission of creating as many entrepreneurial success stories as humanly possible by raising $100,000 to serve the Austin community of women entrepreneurs participating in Grameen America. We are excited to be involved in finding ways to unleash the potential of aspiring entrepreneurs.

Click HERE to donate to our Far Reaching campaign.

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