Using Videos to Speak to Your Audience

As a small business, it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity to speak to your audience and challenge yourself to be as effective as possible. One of the ways we like to do this is through video. We find it to be a powerful strategic tool when it comes to informing people about our company, and we think it could be beneficial for your business as well. Here’s why:

Connect names to faces. A website description or headshot can only do so much when it comes to showcasing you and your employees. Videos allows for the enhanced personification of your brand – a chance to introduce yourself and your business in living, moving form.

Provide tips. Videos are the perfect medium to help your customers directly by explaining what we like to call “nuggets” of information. With a brief video, complicated concepts can be broken down in just a few simple steps.

Showcasing success. Have a success story to tell? Put it in a video. A case study or testimonial from a satisfied client, seen in the flesh and from the horse’s mouth, is much more effective than words in black and white on a page. 

Have fun. At the end of the day, these videos are a chance for your personality to shine through – so have fun with it. In fact, check out these outtakes from our recent video shoot with Lobo Sucio Creative. We’re pretty sure you’re gonna love it.

How have you used video to tell your story?

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