Entrepreneurial Spotlight: Freedom for Family


Laura Beck found many successes in her 18-year career in public relations, including opening an Austin office of a global agency that grew to 16 employees and $3 million in billings. As her older daughter started school, however, Beck realized she wanted to spend more time with her family and decided to leave her PR career behind. In May 2010, she took a jump into the entrepreneurial world to act on the business dream she’d had for years: she launched stripedshirt.com, a website selling fan-wear designed specifically for women, kids and babies.

“At 39 years old, when I decided to leave the career I knew, I was inspired by all the entrepreneurs I had worked with for so many years before, and I thought, ‘I have nothing to lose. Let’s do it. Let’s give it a try and see what happens.’ It’s scary as hell, man. I admire even more the startups that I did PR for, for so many years. It’s a leap but a fun one,” said Beck in an interview with We Are Austin Tech.

Her transition from a top global PR firm to a small business owner illustrates how she unleashed her potential to have freedom, allowing her to own her own business and give her family more of her time.

As we move into the next quarter, we’ll explore how unleashing your potential can open up your life to more freedom and independence.

In what ways has unleashing your potential given you more freedom?

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