Entrepreneurial Spotlight: Kick Back, Give Back

Today, we shine a spotlight on an Austin business that encompasses two of our favorite things: kicking back and giving back. For many businesses and entrepreneurs, these are two crucial areas that business owners often neglect, especially since it’s easy to get caught up in profits and working nonstop to achieve a skewed version of success.

Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. The ability to put people and the planet before profits is a rare find, and just happens to be the triple bottom line that drove SOCO Hammocks into our full attention.

SOCO, which stands for socially conscious, has a belief that people should be able to expect more out of the companies they choose to do business with (and we couldn’t agree more). Proving that they can walk the walk and talk the talk, SOCO gives to a new non-profit partner monthly and operates on an incredibly high level of transparency. Their website provides easy access for finding out where their products come from and who makes them – how awesome is that?

Founder Chris Buster is on a mission to empower the poor. After working in the Dominican Republic, he wanted to create a company that embraced his love for the outdoors while still giving back to those who don’t have much at all. Now that’s what we like to call unleashing potential.

As SOCO’s Co-Founder, Tim Scarborough put it: “It’s not enough to simply have a cool product anymore. It’s time we all give back.”

As an entrepreneur myself, whose business involves around working with other entrepreneurs, I know how easy it can be to get caught up in work and forget to live life. I encourage you all to kick back (in a hammock if you’ve got one) and be more present in your mind and in this world. You have the ability to apply the triple bottom line in all of your endeavors – unleashing the potential of not just your company, but also others in your community, country and even the world.

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