Entrepreneurial Spotlight: The Freedom to Provide

warren bechteclSometimes becoming an entrepreneur comes more from necessity than an unfulfilled dream. When Warren A. Bechtel began working in the railroad industry, it was simply to support his pregnant wife and put food on the table. By 1898, Bechtel was assembling a team and was on a mission to create a family company that would be handed down to his sons. Although the family-oriented company saw early successes, Bechtel wanted national recognition.

In 1931, Bechtel joined as a member of Six Companies, Inc., a consortium of contractors, and became involved in the largest civil engineering project in history, the Hoover Dam. The company is also known for the Channel Tunnel and the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit system.

Like Bechtel, sometimes people take the leap to entrepreneurship because they need freedom from what holds them back from unleashing their potential. What began as a means of supporting the family led to the founding of a successful construction company that not only succeeded financially, but allowed Bechtel to leave a business legacy for his family. Today, Bechtel is one of the oldest and largest family-led corporations and has been at the top of the civil engineering industry for more than 110 years.

What holds you back from unleashing your potential?

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