Establishing Rock Star Beliefs

In order to “rock it” as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to establish a belief system for your team. This is something I take seriously because over the years, I’ve learned that my best work is produced when my beliefs are driving me and keeping me accountable. Here at Far West Capital, each member of our team has established a set of rock star beliefs that lead to optimum personal performance. This keeps the synergy of our team going strong. By performing your best, the synergy of collective efforts will equal more than you could produce alone. Action and effort are extremely important, but if they aren’t supported by the right beliefs, you will end up accomplishing nothing.

True peak performance comes from excellent thoughts and beliefs. If you haven’t set up your rock star belief system, take a few hours to reflect on what is important to you and where you want to be in the future. If you need a little help, here are some tried-and-true rock star beliefs that have worked wonders.

  1. I am able to grow and develop myself. My skills and attitude are not static because I am constantly working on improving.
  1. I’m in control of my results. I approach every issue, goal or problem from the cause side of the equation, not the effect side. I take ownership of my mistakes and never blame others or make excuses.
  1. I only accept 100% from myself. I am committed to my behavior and accountable to my team. Results will take care of themselves when I do my part.
  1. Focusing on long-term internal significance instead of short-term success is the best thing I can do for my business and team. Every decision I make is ecological.
  1. I write down my S. M.A.R.T goals and regularly refer back to them to make sure I’m focused on achieving positive results.
  1. Obstacles are opportunities to show how persistence and determination rule my attitude. I know obstacles are normal and not to be resisted. When challenges arise, I learn more.

What are your rock star beliefs? Leave us a comment below.

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