The Next World-Changing Entrepreneur Is 12 Years Old

It’s cliche, but true: our kids are our future.

But think of yourself as a kid: Did you know how you could change the world? Did you think you could ever be an entrepreneur, own your own business, control your own destiny?

What would your younger self say if I told you that you not only could be an entrepreneur, but that you could make money while building a better planet? That you could create a cleaner, safer, greener world — and get paid for it?

What would your kids say now?

At EcoRise in Austin, Texas, that’s exactly what they tell middle schoolers and high schoolers, through curriculum and resources provided to teachers in schools all over the nation.

Look at Cedar Park High School in Austin, Texas, where high schoolers came up with projects to improve their campus. They applied for grants with EcoRise’s audit program, and built the campus an amazing garden, complete with color-coded trash and recycling bins and a hallway display about their garden for campus education.

Kids presenting EcoProjects

Dressed in business casual, these young people presented their project to their community last year, explaining how they’d audited water, waste and energy at their school, and the needs for campus education and green spaces.

Now imagine if you gave those same kids the tools to build all that work into their own businesses. Imagine if you taught them how to access financial capital, how to build a successful business, and how to create a brand, a mission statement, and a roadmap forward.

EcoRise is raising money this spring to make this a reality. Join us in donating to the change agents of tomorrow; for every dollar you contribute, we’ll match, up to $10,000.  EcoRise Youth Innovations is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

Join us in donating here to #IgniteImpact.

At Far West Capital, we strongly believe that entrepreneurs are the change agents of a better world. Through our Far Reaching project, we partner with organizations like EcoRise to do anything we can to increase access, empowerment, and funding for change agent entrepreneurs. Learn more about EcoRise here.

Ready to unleash the potential of your business? Contact us, and let’s talk about what we can do to help.

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