Far West Capital October 2012 Newsletter

On behalf of the entire Far West Capital team a sincere and heartfelt thank you for helping us raise an astounding $76,308 for Wonders & Worries!  We couldn’t have done it without your participation at Face Success and your support of the Beretta USA No Worries Classic.

We had a wonderful evening at Face Success and hope you did too! We’d like to share this video about the value of events like this for your business.

A special thanks to Camp Mabry Texas National Guard, Suzanne Court Catering and Events, Pattern Productions, Lfe Photography, Build-A-Sign, and Stokes Sign Company for helping us make this a memorable event.


To see more pictures, take a look at our Facebook album.



This is our third year participating in the Wonders & Worries Beretta USA No Worries Classic.  We are incredibly proud of our Far West Capital fundraising team!  A special nod goes to team member, Brian Center, for leading the pack and raising the most money for our team. We proudly drove away with the Wonders & Worries Mini Cooper! We are also thankful for your generous support. You helped bring love and support into the lives of these special children and their families!


Did you know a Super Woman poster in your office could be the key to your success?  As we wrap up the month talking about bonding and rapport, here is a video from the 2012 TED Conference that talks about what your body language says about you and a two-minute technique to make you more powerful.



This month’s Texas Economic Indicator from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has some interesting updates about the Texas economy.

  • Texas employment grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in August, gaining 31,000 jobs.  Current employment is at 10.85 million.
  • Home sales are up 14% year over year with 5.4 months available supply.
  • Texas rig count is down 2.4% year over year.
  • Natural gas prices rose to $2.85 per million Btu in September.
  • Texas Manufacturing Production Index rose in September from 6.4 to 10, suggesting stronger output growth.


If you know your Texas barbecue, you know the good things they cook up in Taylor, Texas. Speaking of Texas economic indicators, have you noticed the number of new barbecue joints that are spin-offs of the Taylor meat market? Franklin Barbecue, Stiles Switch BBQ, and JMueller BBQ all roughly tie back to Taylor.  While these Austin barbeque restaurants are doing well for themselves without a Taylor connection, it makes us wonder what is it about people’s desire to be a part of a story? What story are you creating in your business?



If you’re an entrepreneur who needs a nudge of encouragement or a boost of inspiration, take a minute and read this article about Generation Flux. Every time we read the news or turn on the TV, we are introduced to new and innovative products, ideas, and services. Generation Flux is not only passionate about solutions but they are passionate about bringing their ideas to fruition. The article presents a good question: should the presidential candidates be focusing more on fostering startups and entrepreneurs in our country?



Earlier this month, there was uproar, specifically in the political arena, when stats showed unemployment numbers dropped from 8.3% to 7.8%. The Bureau of Labor Statistics couldn’t have fudged the numbers; they did their duty in surveying and reporting the findings. The error lies in the methodology in which they gather the data, as stated by John Mauldin in his latest newsletter.



How fundable is your company? A new program called “Fundability Score” by Texas Entrepreneur Network can tell you. After taking a short test, you will be given a numerical score that tells you if your company is ready.



Austin’s economy is experiencing incredible economic growth. The results of SXSW, the ACL Music Festival, and Formula 1 are sure to give another big boost this year. We won’t know the full economic impact of ACL and Formula 1 until later this year, but studies have shown this year’s SXSW generated $190 million.



Are you getting the cash flow you need to grow your business? The Commercial Finance Association recently launched the Business Capital Network, an online resource, to learn about asset-based lending and factoring. In fact, the article can help you tackle some of the misconceptions about factoring and put you on the way to growing your business. Have more questions? Contact us today!



By the time our next newsletter rolls around, the president elected for the 2012-2016 term will be decided by the American public. Now is the time to get out there and vote! Election Day is November 6th. 


What happened to the cute Coca-Cola polar bears we used to know? In a new video called “The Real Bears,” a family of polar bears takes a not-so-subtle stab at Coca-Cola and the soda industry by showing the effects of indulging in too many sugary beverages. We don’t want to spoil the video for you so take a look at the animated parody.  Created by the advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest and ad expert Alex Bogusky, the video focuses on statistics that elevate awareness of diabetes and obesity. Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association have responded that the statistics are distorted.



Have you ever thought about what kind of legacy you will leave? R. Buckminster Fuller is a clear and strong example of making a difference. While he is most well known for popularizing the geodesic dome, his servant leadership, ideas and influence has had an immeasurable impact on the world. He devoted his life to helping humanity through innovative design and to creating a sustainable planet. Fuller believed in servant leadership and winning by helping others win, a belief that is important today. Have you seen it work in your life?



Elliott Management, a New York-based hedge fund, detained Libertad, an Argentine ship used for training naval cadets, in Ghana because of Argentina’s $1.6 billion debt to the company, which the country has refused to pay. Elliott Management, who also pursued the Argentine presidential plane in 2007 and notable artwork in 2009, is demanding a court bond from Argentina of at least $10 million to release the ship or they will try to sell it.


We met a woman named Happiness Kisoso at an event last week. That’s her real name. How awesome is that? She actually got kicked off of Facebook because they did not believe her so she has to send a copy of her birth certificate to Facebook to get activated again.  Conclusion: Facebook is not big on Happiness.


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