Five Ways to Motivate Your Team

We’ve written about motivating yourself, but what about motivating your team? Here are five ways to energize your team for success.


1. Be enthusiastic and supportive

Let your team know when they’ve done a great job. Encourage them and show your appreciation. Make your team members feel like winners. A positive environment in the office helps motivate the team to do their best.


2. Define your expectations

As a leader, what do you hope the outcome of your team’s hard work will be? Share with your team what you think it will take to get there. Have clear goals and help your team invest in the goals.


3. Encourage the professional and personal goals of your team members

Besides helping the company succeed, what are the goals of your team members? Can you help keep them accountable? For example, if your employee’s goal is to achieve the next level of career development, what resources or encouraging words can you provide to help him reach the goal? As the goals of your team members are met, they will be more motivated to succeed at the company.


4. Communicate with your team

Having weekly meetings is a good way to make sure everyone is on the same page with the company goals. Open communication within the company also encourages the team to motivate each other.


5. Plan team-building activities

Outside of the day-to-day work, plan activities to bond your team. Give your team the opportunity to eat breakfast together or plan an outing with your team. Getting out of the work environment, focusing on the team relationships, and showing your appreciation for your team makes a difference in the team’s motivation.


How do you motivate your team?

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