Giving Back Makes a Difference

We’ve blogged about the importance of corporate giving and the opportunities you have when you give back, but giving back also has many more benefits.


Personal Happiness

Research has found that people who give back tend to have higher self-esteem, psychological well-being, and happiness. It feels good to give back and help others.



Supporting charities, especially local charities, helps build our communities. It’s also important to support your community and the people in it.



When you express your gratitude through giving, it boosts your positivity and the positivity of others. Giving back can also remind you of the things you can be thankful for in your life.


Tax Deductions

For the money-minded, giving back also has financial value. Writing off donations can benefit your bank account.


We have an opportunity that will help you test these benefits! The Beretta USA No Worries Classic is coming up on September 29, 2012. We’re very excited to participate in this annual fundraiser for Wonders & Worries.


Wonders & Worries is a Central Texas nonprofit that helps countless families and children cope when a parent has been diagnosed with a serious, chronic or terminal illness. The impact of a parent’s illness on a child can be profound and Wonders & Worries helps with their mental health, family relationships, school performance, friendships, and overall growth and development. Critical programs include individual and group counseling sessions, child/parent relationship training classes, informal support/recreational group activities, and bereavement support sessions. All Wonders & Worries services are offered free of charge to people of any age, gender, socio-economic status and ethnicity.


We have a goal of raising $40,000 this year. You can pledge per clay or a fixed amount. I estimate I’ll shoot 30 clays. We can make such an impact of local and would be honored to count on your help!

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