How Two U.S. Presidents Unleashed Their Potential

This President’s Day, we want to remind you of the impact of two important presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. What about these two presidents is so profound that it strikes a chord in us? Both presidents had tremendous potential, and they used their leadership, initiative, and vision to do something about their potential.

Washington took initiative. Being the first to do anything is impressive but becoming the first president of the United States?  His vision of a great and powerful nation is still how our country is seen today. He was the only president to have ever received 100 percent of the Electoral College votes and led the creation of the U.S. Constitution. If an opportunity comes your way, don’t shy away from it. Step up and take advantage of it. You never know where it may lead you.

Lincoln had a vision. With any goal, having a vision is crucial. Whether it be a personal or professional vision, if you don’t have a clear picture in your mind of what you want to accomplish, getting there will be ten times harder. If your vision is to increase your company’s revenue, create a game plan so you know steps you’ll take to reach your goal. What will your company look like when it is accomplished? Lincoln’s vision was a country free of slavery. What’s your vision?


What do you want to be known for? How will you unleash your potential?

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