Rock Star Belief: Take Ownership of Mistakes

Let’s face it, we all make mistakes – it’s inevitable. When it comes down to it, it’s not our mistakes that matter, it’s how we handle them that shows our true colors. The first thing you need to do after making a mistake is take 100% of the responsibility and not blame others or make excuses. It’s taking ownership and being clear about how the mistake happened that will impress your team and leave them with more respect for you. So what steps should you take after taking accountability for your mistake? Read on to find out.

  1. Reflect on the mistake – This is when you need to objectively look at your mistake and recognize what you did wrong. Taking time to reflect back on what happened will help you understand why your choice was the wrong one to make.
  2. Fix it – Do everything you can to rectify your wrong. Remember, you are the one who made the mistake so it is your job to do everything you can to fix the problem and make it right. Yes, there are times when the damage is done and the mistake can’t be fixed, but it’s important to try your best to repair what damage has been done.
  1. Put safeguards in place – After the dust has settled, the one thing you’ll be thinking is that you never want the mistake to happen again. I have some good news! You are completely in control of that. After you’ve figured out what caused the mistake, you can put safety nets and roadblocks in place to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
  1. Share what you learned – Usually when you make a mistake everyone ends up hearing about it. It’s vital to shake off your pride and confront the people affected by sharing with them what you learned. In this research study, it was discovered that the highest performing nursing units had reported the largest amount of mistakes. Not because they made more mistakes, but because they felt comfortable bringing it to their team.

How has taking ownership for your mistakes benefited you? Leave us a comment below.

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